Complete and Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

If you’re missing teeth, dental implants can restore your proper tooth alignment and allow you to reclaim your self-assurance while also helping you avoid frustrating dental complications in the future. 

Dr. Amin Samadian, a dentist in San Francisco, and his team look not just at the teeth that need to be replaced but at the entire mouth when considering implants, including the bite, bone support, and gum coverage. With a proprietary blend of advanced dentistry and proactive solutions, Dr. Samadian can restore your bite with a set of custom-milled and perfectly integrated dental implants.

Woman smiling, wearing a striped shirt

What are dental implants? 

Dental implants replace missing teeth, providing a permanent and fixed alternative to bridges, removable partial dentures, or complete dentures. They also provide optimal support and stability for any of these dental devices.

Tooth implants are essentially synthetic roots and teeth, typically made of titanium and surgically installed into the upper or lower jaw bone by a skilled dentist or surgeon like Dr. Samadian. He and his highly-trained staff are here to help patients in San Francisco, the East Bay, and nearby areas enjoy the full and complete smiles they deserve.

Woman smiling, wearing a striped shirt

Before & After Dental Implants

"I have had expert, extensive work done by Dr. Samadian and his excellent staff and couldn’t be happier with the result."

What are the benefits of dental implants? 

  • Implants look and feel like natural teeth 
  • With implants, you can speak and eat as you normally would
  • Dental implants are strong and durable 
  • Confidence is improved with the beautiful smile implants provide
  • Convenient and easy
  • Results last for many years
  • Implants require the same type of care as your natural teeth  
  • Implants can support existing dentures, making chewing and speaking more comfortable
  • Dental implants remain firmly in place, just as your natural teeth do
Samadian Cosmetic & Advanced Dentistry

Am I a candidate for dental implants in San Francisco with Dr. Samadian?

You may be a candidate for dental implants in San Francisco with Dr. Samadian if you want to:

  • Substitute one or more absent teeth without harming adjacent teeth
  • Resolve joint pain or bite concerns caused by teeth moving into missing tooth space
  • Reestablish your confident smile
  • Enhance your chewing, speech, and digestion
  • Improve facial tissues
  • Support a bridge or denture, for increased reliability and comfort
  • Halt bone resorption caused by missing teeth

Dr. Samadian and his team use high-level Cone Beam CT scan technology to evaluate the nerves, sinuses, bone density, bone width, and height in your mouth. This will help us determine whether you’re a candidate for dental implants or if you might first benefit from a procedure like a sinus lift or bone augmentation to strengthen the area and prepare it for your implants.

This enables us to limit your procedures to a single practitioner and location, keeping things convenient for you, and gives us the chance to develop a close relationship, for more personalized care. One of the most notable benefits of dental implants is the protection of your jaw bone. When teeth are extracted, the bone that originally contained the tooth can resorb, causing patients to lose the chance of obtaining implants at any point in the future. Implants help avoid this issue.

Another adverse effect of leaving the area empty involves the neighboring tooth shifting in place, negatively influencing your bite and alignment, which can cause trauma to other teeth and even TMJ in some cases.

Dr. Samadian's Advanced Technique With Dental Implant Surgery

Dr. Samadian uses highly advanced tools for dental implant surgery, including XGuide navigational live guided surgery, or robotic implant placement. This cutting-edge technology allows him to provide the most accurate dental implants to all his patients. It concentrates on three specific areas to enhance the overall success of your dental implant procedure: the depth, angle, and position of the implant.

This XGuide technology utilizes data obtained from your Cone Beam CT scan, to accurately guide Dr. Samadian’s hands with the utmost precision, which is almost impossible to achieve without this aid. Thanks to XGuide, Dr. Samadian will be able to perform this procedure with a highly enhanced level of accuracy and precision, ensuring proper implant placement (often without incisions or stitches).

Dr. Samadian and his team will install the implant over your jaw, covering it with your gum tissue, where it will integrate into the jawbone for two to six months. At this point a post will be added to the implant, permitting the gum tissue to grow up and around it. In some instances, Dr. Samadian will position the implant and post simultaneously. The procedure will be completed once a customized crown has been permanently attached to the implant post.

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Create the Smile of Your Dreams Today With Dental Implants

For 10 years now, Dr. Samadian has been crafting dental implants for patients in the San Fransisco and East Bay areas, enabling them to enjoy perfectly mimetic results thanks to some of the most advanced dentistry the Bay Area has to offer.

If you’re ready to learn more about what tooth implants can do for you, Dr. Samadian and his team are excited to work with you and create a customized pathway to your ideal sense of oral health.

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What should I expect during and after my dental implant surgery?

Procedure Details

Dr. Amin Samadian and his San Francisco team use a variation of advanced methods to help keep your procedure as comfortable as possible. These methods include flapless surgery, guided surgery, robotic placement, and laser biostimulation. He also uses sedation techniques like oral sedation, IV sedation, nitrous oxide, and local anesthesia, and offers detailed recovery instructions after your surgery to ensure your comfort during your healing period.

Anesthesia and Pain Management

Since you’ll receive an anesthetic to numb your mouth, you won’t experience any pain or discomfort during your tooth replacement surgery. Dr. Samadian and his team can also prescribe pain medication if you start to feel any discomfort after the first 24 hours. For most implant patients, over-the-counter pain medications are sufficient.

After Surgery

You’ll be urged to drink lots of fluids and avoid hot foods or drinks for a period of time after your surgery. You might also be encouraged to apply an ice pack to your cheeks to reduce swelling, and biting on gauze may be suggested if you notice any bleeding. Before your procedure, we’ll talk you through everything you can expect in terms of your recovery.

Dental implants recovery timeline

Dental implant recovery time largely depends on the dental implant surgery, but for most people, recovery time lasts about two days. However, if more than one implant procedure is completed, or if you need bone grafts, recovery time can take up to two weeks.

24 Hours

Twenty-four hours after surgery, you should only experience minor discomfort and tenderness in your treatment areas. Prescribed post-op medications that can relieve any pain and tenderness include:

  • A round of antibiotics
  • An antiseptic mouth rinse
  • An anti-inflammatory

5 Days

Up to five days after surgery, you should expect swelling to increase slightly and discomfort to decrease. Following the recommended oral hygiene aftercare instructions will be imperative to optimal recovery and results.

Two Weeks

For up to two weeks after your dental implant surgery, you should continue a soft food diet while gradually returning to your regular diet. You should also avoid extreme physical activities until your surgeon has released you. By six weeks post-operative, you should be completely recovered from your dental implant surgery.

However, if you feel like the pain is not going away or is getting worse, you will need to contact our office to schedule a follow-up exam. If you experience a fever that exceeds 100°, lasts over 24 hours, and does not go away or decrease with over-the-counter medication, please contact our office.

Integrated Art, Science, and Technology

Guided Implant Placement

Guided Implant Placement

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Navigation Live Guided Implant Surgery

Dental Implants Video

Your Perfectly Restored Smile With Implant Dentistry

A Naturalistic Outcome

After the implants are finally restored with porcelain crowns, they will work just like and completely resemble your normal teeth. We typically recommend receiving dental implants as soon as possible, as this can prevent the teeth from shifting and negatively impacting your bone structure, your bite relationship, or the periodontal health of the area.

Restoring Full Function

If an area of the mouth is missing a tooth for a sustained period of time, bone support reduces and it becomes more and more difficult to restore. This may require additional procedures, such as orthodontic correction of the bite, reconstruction of the bite in that site, or gum treatments to restore full mouth function.

Maintaining Your Results

You’ll take care of your implants just like you would care for your natural teeth by brushing and flossing daily and visiting your dentist for routine exams and cleanings. Dr. Samadian and his team suggest using a Waterpik or any kind of water flosser to supplement your regular flossing, and scheduling regular periodontal maintenance appointments to properly maintain your results.

How much do dental implants cost?

Implant dentistry costs vary depending on factors such as location, the number of implants needed, and the complexity of the procedure. The cost of a single tooth implant is between $3,000 to $4,500. It's best to consult with Dr. Samadian to get a more accurate estimate for your specific situation.

Why Choose Dr. Samadian As Your Implant Dentist

Selecting Dr. Amin Samadian as your implant dentist in San Francisco means choosing a commitment to excellence in dental care. Dr. Samadian and his team stand out through their dedication to state-of-the-art technology and highly advanced techniques, ensuring you receive the most comprehensive dental care possible.

With over ten years of clinical dentistry experience and extensive training, Dr. Samadian takes pride in offering a comprehensive range of procedures. Beyond addressing current oral health issues, he and his team proactively work to prevent future problems.

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Dental Implants FAQ

Can I drive after my dental implant surgery?

If you need general anesthesia or a sedative for your implant surgery, you will be required to have a friend or family member drive you home after surgery.

How long do dental implants last?

Potentially, your dental implants may last a lifetime if you have excellent oral hygiene. On average, tooth implants last between 15-20 years.

Can my dental implants get cavities?

No. Your implants are made from titanium and cannot get cavities.

Will insurance cover dental implants?

While cosmetic treatments are not typically covered by insurance, some insurance plans do cover portions of dental implants if they are deemed medically necessary.

How many dental implants can I get at once?

You can have as many dental implants as you need, including a full set of new teeth, placed at once.

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Treating patients throughout San Francisco & East Bay. Dr. Samadian specializes in treatments such as smile makeovers, porcelain veneers, digital reconstructions, aesthetic dentistry, and dental implants. Focusing on regeneration and restoring tooth structure, bone loss, and gum recession utilizing the latest LANAP laser technology.

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